There have been several reports of religious revivals in the Port Richey area after St. James the Apostle Catholic Church posted a pun on their billboard reading, “Son Screen Prevents Sin Burn”.
The clever pun on the billboard has reportedly led to sudden outbursts of worship and thousands forsaking their wayward lifestyles.
The use of puns in church billboards has been a trendy theme among catholics and evangelicals alike. Director of Evangelism at St. James, Katherine Calvin, stated that the salvation of souls is directly proportional to the amount of puns used in church billboards.
We have found that more puns equals more converts. Not only that, but the punnier the pun, the more zealous the converts. Comparing Christ’s sacrifice to sunscreen in the form of a pun is a very effective way to get people to see their need for the Gospel.
Calvin added that the recent sunscreen pun has led to the salvation of “at least 2,000” souls thus far, and that they expect that number to grow over the next few weeks.
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