On Sunday night, a mob of looters broke into Gulf View Square Flea Market, but left empty-handed.
Although the looters had expected to find valuable goods they could steal, instead they found little more than a custom-embroidery apparel booth, Hello Kitty iPhone cases, and an acne cream vending machine.
Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco said that the looters were unaware of the current state of Gulf View Square Flea Market because a vast majority of them traveled from out-of-state.
We know that these violent looters aren’t from the area because they actually expected to find something valuable inside of Gulf View. This made it clear to our investigators that we are dealing with non-locals who are likely being bussed in from out of state in order to loot and destroy.
The owner of Gulf View Sqaure Flea Market’s owning coorporation, Ricky Buchinski boasted about the impressive security feature of having nothing valuable within the buildings’ walls.
We’ve proven once again why Gulf View Square Flea Market blows its competition out of the water, because we are the only flea market in the country that has a built-in mechanism to make theft virtually impossible – by not having any valuable inventory. We will continue innovating our operations to ensure that we continue to protect our assets, no matter how little they are, during this highly volatile time.
The confused looters left town immediately after the disappointing failure at Gulf View.
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