On Monday, Hudson voters took to the polls, launching a shocking victory.
‘Jersey John’ is his tag, but his title is now ‘Mayor’. John Kovaleski, lovingly referred to as ‘the dancing pawn shop guy’, has won a special election for Hudson Mayor. Kovaleski garnered 89% of the vote running as an Independent. The other 11% went to Jack Mariano’s cousin – Ben Mariano. Kovaleski ran on a platform of conservative fiscal policy, which showed through in his campaign financing. The only marketing he engaged in was to hold a sign that said “John For Mayor” a few days before the election.
Although Kovaleski’s impact on the culture of Hudson is palpable, why did the voters of Hudson elect him to be mayor? Hudson resident Rick Donovan explained why he cast his vote for Kovaleski. “He has everything a City of Hudson Mayor needs: talent, leadership, and a great fan database. He also has tremendous experience in stimulating Hudson’s economy.” Donovan has been living in Hudson for 19 years and has seen its ups and downs, and says that Kovaleski is just what the city needs. “He brings a much needed shine to a dull city- and I’m not talking about his gold tooth.
How did a political outsider like Jersey John win a seat that was so long held by the Hudson political establishment? Internationally acclaimed Political Science professor at the Pasco-Hernando State College, Johnathan Buford, explained. “Kovaleski’s victory can be understood rather easily. He is the most recognizable man in Hudson. He has made himself a familiar face in the community and is a trusted referral source for Hudson businesses. His love for Hudson businesses is superseded only by his love for heavy metal.”
After Kovaleski’s landslide victory on Monday, he thanked supporters, particularly his constituents at Cash 4 Gold Pawn Shop on US-19. He also laid out some of his plans for his term, including that he would do everything in his power to turn the USA Flea Market closure into a opportunity for the community. When asked about getting the long-awaited Six Flags theme park built, he responded with, “I’ll see what I can do.”
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