Private investigators announced on Friday that Dale Massad’s presumption of innocence has been missing ever since his arrest last month.
Massad’s friends and family first noticed the void of his presumption of innocence after seeing Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco’s press conference about his arrest.
After we saw that press conference, we all immediately noticed something was missing. We looked all around and we couldn’t find even the slightest shred of its existence. His presumption of innocence was just gone.
Massad’s friends say they called the city of Port Richey to see if his coworkers could locate it in his office. City officials responded that they unfortunately could not find it, but referred them to the Governor. Amazingly, they managed to get a hold of Governor Desantis, who said that he ‘doesn’t have the time nor interest’ to search for Massad’s presumption of innocence, and that Massad was therefore fired.
They say that they then continued their search by notifying local authorities. They called the police to report the disappearance, which they say proved to be an exercise in futility.
We called 9-1-1 and said that we had a disappearance to report. When we told them that Dale’s presumption of innocence was missing, the dispatcher literally laughed. She then told us that it’s not the responsibility of the police to find ‘things like that.’ She then hung up on us.
Anyone with information about the whereabouts of Dale Massad’s presumption of innocence is asked to contact his lawyer.
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